Advanced Usage


Generally speaking, if you want a sample of what decorators can do, just check the samples directory for examples, especially the script.


Whenever a do_ method is decorated by @direct, it will only be executed if someone is directly talking to the Bot:

def do_hello(self, line):
    self.say('hello, you')
22:53 -!- cmdbot [-cmdbot@] has joined #cdc
22:53 < cmdbot> Hi everyone.
22:54 < No`> hello
22:54 < No`> cmdbot: hello
22:54 < cmdbot> hello, you

The first time, the user didn’t talk directly to the bot. The second time, it was mentioned, so the bot replied “hello, you”


When a do_ is decorated by @admin the code will only be executed if the previous lines has been said by an admin:

def do_hello(self, line):
    self.say('hello, my lord')
22:53 -!- cmdbot [-cmdbot@] has joined #cdc
22:53 < cmdbot> Hi everyone.
22:54 < NotAdmin> hello
22:54 < AdminUser> hello
22:54 < cmdbot> hello, my lord


You’ve noticed that it doesn’t have to be direct. It’s only if the verb it the first word of the message.

And what about “no decorator”

Without decorator, the do_<stuff> method will be called each time a line is being said by a user. Beware, then, your bot may have a lot of work to do...

And what happens if we mix them?

There comes the beauty of decorators. You can mix them:

def do_hello(self, line):
    self.say('hello, my lord')

The bot will then only say “hello my lord” if some admin directly told it “hello”.

Your own decorator

Right. You can “prefix” any action with your own decorator, if you want this action to be called only following a certain condition or a subset of conditions. Your “Bot’s Brain” might help. Here’s a simple example, taken from the samples/

def in_game(func):
    "Decorator: only process the line game has been started with the player"
    def newfunc(bot, line):
        if bot.brain.knows('games') and line.nick_from in
            return func(bot, line)
            bot.say("Erm. Looks like we didn't start playing.")
    return newfunc

In this snippet, we’re defining a decorator that will only process the command if the “game” has been started with the player.

After that, you can use the decorator like this:

def do_roll(self, line):
    # ...

Execute a command without a known verb

You may sometimes need to execute a function when somebody talks, or when a special word is said inside a line, and not only at its beginning (a.k.a. a regular “verb”).

The @no_verb decorator is here to help. You can decorate any method of your Bot class, even a method that doesn’t start with a “do_”. e.g:

def nothing_special(self, line):
    self.say('I say nothing special, you did not include a known verb')

Do not want help

It may happen that you’d need to discard help on a particular function. Many use cases:

  • You don’t want your users to know that this command exists
  • You don’t want users to know how to execute a given command (your help line would make it too easy for them)
  • You want to clean the raw help command, in order to have as few items as needed

You just need to decorate your function like this:

def do_nohelp(self, line):
    "I will never be displayed"

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